Traveling To Teach

By Tri-State Training March 29, 2023
Whether you or your company is located in Pennsylvania or Colorado, Tri-State's trusted name will provide you with the life-saving skills that could make the difference in an emergency situation. 

Location won’t stop us! Even though we’re housed in Delaware County, PA, it doesn’t deter us from sending our instructors to teach safety training in different states. Our trust-worthy reputation follows us across the country. 

When our instructors travel, they provide valuable, life-saving skills to our clients. We teach American Heart Association, American Red Cross, and Tri-State brand CPR. 

Our instructors usually teach two to three classes a day. After their classes are over, they get to explore the different cities they’re in. For example, our instructor Christine went to Boston to teach a group of medical professionals. After her classes were done, she toured the city! She went to a bakery and Fenway Park - home of the Boston Red Socks.

Our latest trip was to Richmond, Virginia. Our instructor, Morgan, taught Tri-State's brand Adult and Child CPR to a fire safety company, over a two day period. After the classes were over, Morgan took a walk along the riverfront.

One of our instructor’s favorite places to visit is the Windy City: Chicago! The clients we teach there are always welcoming, plus the deep dish pizza is delicious! 

The next travel destination is to Mansfield, Massachusetts, where two of our instructors will be teaching CPR and First Aid. Follow us on Instagram (tristate_training) and Facebook, to keep up with all our adventures!

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